WORK OUT – The Exercise of Salvation

Philippians 2:12 : ...As ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

12 Jun, 2024

Our opening verse is often misconstrued by many to suggest that salvation can be earned. However, a closer look at this verse shows us that it doesn’t say “WORK FOR” your salvation. It actually says “WORK OUT” your salvation, and this changes everything. First of all, for you to “work out” your salvation, you already have it. It means you’ve been saved. The phrase “work out” is usually used by athletes and people who exercise their muscles. It is not their exercise that gives them muscles; they were born with them. However, their exercise is what makes their muscles strong. So as a Christian, God is saying that you should submit yourself to the exercises and the training that make the reality of your salvation stronger. So my question for you this morning is this – Have you been working out? Have you been praying, evangelizing, and meditating on the word? Begin today!