Luke 4:4 : "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."

11 May, 2024

Our opening verse shows us that the spirit of man needs the word of God, just as the body needs food to stay healthy. Dare I say, even more than necessary food! (Job 23:13). The word of God is required for daily living. It is not optional to read the word, neither is it something we should do without. If the Bible says in John 1 that the world was made by the word of God, then we can also say that we are made by the word of God. A lot of times, we are busy doing everything else to make progress except paying attention to the word of God. The Bible is replete with the benefits of giving priority to God’s word. In Joshua 1:8, it says that through it we will make our way prosperous and have good success. In Jeremiah 15:16, it says that it will bring joy and rejoicing to our souls. You must see that the word of God is a precious gift from God. Say after me: I pay attention to the word of God and I do it! Amen!