16 Jun, 2024
God commands us in many places all over the Bible to honor our father and mother. In Ephesians 6:2, it is described as the first commandment with a promise. It is easy to stumble over the flaws and weaknesses of our parents; however, the truth is that we wouldn’t be what we are today without them. Let us receive grace to hold our parents in high esteem, not because they are good, but because God commands it. Let us learn to focus on the good that they have done, no matter how small, and extend grace and kindness to them in all things. Parents make huge sacrifices, and for whatever labor they have exercised towards us, we must be grateful. In situations where they have failed, let us forgive just as Christ has forgiven us and still honor them with our thoughts, words, and actions. Today, we celebrate our fathers. Even though they didn’t know everything, they gave us their best.