Romans 8:7: Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

26 May, 2024

In yesterday’s devotional, we spoke about the glory of dying to self. You may be wondering, “Why do I have to deny myself?” Our opening verse gives us a glimpse into the answer. It tells us that the carnal mind is enmity against God! It continues to say that it is not subject to the law of God. This means that even though walking in the flesh may seem easier, it is walking in enmity with God. This is important because, as believers, we are called to manifest the glory of God. But how can we do that if we live as His enemies? This is something to think about deeply. The areas of our lives that are not submitted to God are in direct opposition to His will. The glory of death here is that, as we die to self, we are able to align fully with God’s will, and then His plan can be fully manifested through us! What a glorious privilege it is to walk with God. Say after me: “I am consistently aligned with God!