30 Jun, 2024
If you are familiar with the story of Esau and Jacob (Genesis
25:30-34), it may be very easy to criticize Esau. How could Esau have sold his birthright because of food? Those are the questions we ask. But do you know that many of us are doing the same thing Esau did? I call it the Esau Syndrome – selling your future for the pleasure of the present. As humans, the temptation to go in the direction of least resistance is very strong. But nobody makes real progress by always choosing the path of ease and pleasure. We must learn to delay gratification.
Now, Esau did not realize that by simply eating the morsel of food, he lost the blessing. When he wanted to get it back, it was too late. Today, I pray for you: may the Lord pull you out of any
“food” that will compromise your future. In Jesus’ name, amen!