John 7:38 : He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

24 May, 2024

Many times, we want the experience of a vibrant walk with God without the actual walk with God. A.W. Tozer once said, “No shortcut exists for a deeper spiritual life. The man who would know God must give time to Him.” Dear believer, this may look like an uphill task until you realize that the God whom you seek lives inside of you! You no longer need to go to the mountain or wait endlessly at the pool of Bethesda to experience the glory of Christ.

God is much closer to us now because of Christ, and His reality can very easily become ours if we turn our eyes from the world to Him. If we can set our desire on the Lord, the fountain of God within us will become an ever-flowing stream of living water that refreshes us and everyone around us. Today, make it a point of duty to participate in the life of God that has been freely received by you. Repeat after me: I will not neglect the gift of God in me.