1 Peter 5:9 : ...whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

02 Jun, 2024

The verse preceding our opening scripture reveals that the devil is our adversary, seeking whom he may destroy. This sounds like a sad story until you read the next verse. The next verse continues by saying, “whom resist steadfast in the faith.” Our place in Christ has given us the right and authority to resist the devil. Just imagine everything the enemy can possibly do against you and then see that you can resist him! What a glorious reality! No matter what tactic he comes with, he can be stopped; he doesn’t dictate the outcome. You have authority over what is permitted in your life. You can stand against all his works by the power in the name of Jesus. It is Jesus Christ who fought and won the battle against sin and death, but we are the primary beneficiaries of this great victory. Repeat after me: Satan take your hands off my life, my finances, and my health in the name of Jesus!