Genesis 26:12 : Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him.

31 May, 2024

The chapter begins with a famine in Isaac’s days, but God appeared to him, telling him not to go to Egypt like his father Abraham did. Instead, God instructed him to remain in Gerar.

God made promises to Isaac, assuring him of His presence, blessings and fulfilling the oath made to Abraham. This assurance would have encouraged Isaac to stay despite the famine. However, he didn’t just sit by waiting for the word of the Lord to come to pass somehow; verse 12 tells us that he sowed in the land, actively responding to God’s word. Are you similarly acting on the promises of God in your life? Are you sowing? The verse further reveals that Isaac reaped a hundredfold that same year, as the Lord blessed him abundantly, and he prospered greatly! Don’t passively wait for God’s word to manifest; Seek Him for understanding and sow in alignment with His promises.