1 Kings 20:40: And as thy servant was busy here and there, he was gone...

04 Jan, 2024

Distractions – A man is as strong as his ability to wade off distractions on his path! Our opening verse was drawn from a story where a certain man was narrating his ordeal to the king of Israel. A prisoner was kept under his care and he was warned that if this prisoner ever got missing, he would have to pay for it. However, despite the warnings he became distracted. In his own words to the king; “as thy servant was busy here and there, he was gone”. This is one major hindrance to progress – Distractions. You must be able to identify your distractions. And after you’ve identified your distractions, set up disciplines to keep them away. It won’t be easy but progress comes at a price. I pray for you, you walk in the wisdom of God above distractions in the name of Jesus. Make progress today!