1Timothy 2:21: If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use...

18 May, 2024

Yesterday, we began looking at how a man is only free from the power and consequence of sin through faith in Jesus Christ. However, it doesn’t stop there; it follows with experiencing and expressing the life of God within. Despite our sins being washed by the blood of Christ, we may still experience the temptation and reality of sin everyday, hindering us from fully aligning with God’s plan for us. So, how can we deal with this? By purging ourselves—a deliberate consecration to God. We daily turn from sinful deeds to righteousness. This transformation is possible because Jesus Christ has already done the necessary work in our spirit by salvation. This empowers us to live for Him, rejecting ungodliness and upholding holiness and righteousness. As a result of what Christ has done, we are not helpless; we have the ability! Say after me: I will purge myself and be a vessel unto honor!