Acts 8:29 : Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot

28 Apr, 2024

While it is true that we are not to rush the steps of our lives, we should also be discerning to know those that are time sensitive and require a prompt response. In our opening verse, there was a man who was genuinely seeking to know God. He is described as the Ethiopian eunuch. God needed someone to preach Jesus to him and so he instructed Philip. See Acts 8:26: The angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south. Philip obeyed immediately and met this Ethiopian Eunuch reading the Bible in his chariot. Philip was able to join the chariot and preach to him. Now, imagine Philip decided he won’t obey that day, he will obey tomorrow. He may have missed the Ethiopian Eunuch. Could there be things we’ve missed because we lacked promptness?

Say after me: I am at the right place, at the right time in Jesus’ name.