Acts 12:5 : Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him."

12 May, 2024

The chapter where our opening Scripture is found records the account of how King Herod took the apostle James and killed him. When he saw that his action pleased the Jews, he decided to do the same to Peter. The only difference with Apostle Peter was that, this time around, the church decided to start praying continuously. In the book of Matthew, we see Jesus walking on the water after praying nearly all night. The same water that his disciples were being tossed to and fro in. The disciples prayed day and night for Peter and, in Jesus’ case, he had been praying all night. These accounts in the Bible vividly show us the power of prayer even in situations that are difficult or have no hope. You may be like Peter, surrounded by guards, with no way out. Or like Jesus, with mighty waves in his way. The question is will you pray?

If you will, there’s always a way out. Say after me: I will pray!