Galatians 6:9: And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

14 May, 2024

Imagine that two people have set out to build a house in one year.

One of them lays a block everyday and the other, every time he remembers. Who do you think has the higher chance of finishing?

It is very likely that the one who lays a block whenever he remembers will not achieve much. It is said that you cannot use water to break a rock but a drop of water falling consistently on a stony surface will, with time, break that surface. What am I trying to say? The life that you want to have: that solid devotional life, a better financial standing or better skills, will not happen suddenly.

It will take time and consistent actions. So this means that, the earlier you start being consistent with laying those blocks that will give you the outcome you want, the better. Things don’t get better with time, they get better with time and consistent action.

Don’t wait till tomorrow to start. Start now!