Habakkuk 2:2: And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

05 Jun, 2024

In order to engage with a vision; an idea or instruction, it must be remembered. One very powerful way to capture a vision is to write it down. God knew beforehand how instrumental writing a vision is to accomplishing it that he told Habakkuk, “write the vision”. The next thing He said after that was that Habakkuk should make it plain. Many times, we receive a vision but we cannot yet make sense of it. We need time meditating and praying about the vision until it becomes plain. The vision being plain will look like it being easy to understand and clear or at least an understanding of what first step or steps to take. These practices are very important for progress in our individual assignments. Ideas and instructions must not be stockpiled, they must be acted upon.

Say after me: I will act upon the instructions of God for my life.