Genesis 26:22: And he removed from thence, and dug another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth...

14 Jun, 2024

From the story in our opening verse, we learn the power of persistence. Isaac was re-digging the wells his father, Abraham, had dug, but he faced a challenge. The Philistines kept closing all the wells he dug. However, for every one the Philistines closed, he went ahead to dig another. He just kept on going! This is something we need to learn, especially in this generation where it’s easy to allow your challenges to weigh you down and you just quit. Sometimes, it seems easier to wish you could escape from all your challenges. But I’ll show you a more excellent way – FIGHT THROUGH. Learn and master the glorious art of persistence. No matter what happens, keep on going. You will wear out your resistance with your persistence. And just like Isaac, eventually, the Philistines left him and his well alone. Say after me: I refuse to quit. I will continue and win in the name of Jesus.