21 Jul, 2024
It is a great deception to believe that joy can be found in this world without Christ. Our opening verse shows us that true joy can only be found in Christ. It is in God’s presence that we can experience fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. This does not mean that there aren’t things to enjoy in this world, but we know that these joys are fleeting and incomplete compared to what we find in Christ. The practicality of this verse is evident in what we prioritize in our lives. It is reflected in how we value the presence of God. Have you come to know the joy and pleasure that are found in God’s presence, or are you still settling for the crumbs that the world offers? Say this prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to love You and enjoy Your presence all the days of my life.
May I never be deceived into thinking that there is anything better than You at any given time. In Jesus’ name, amen!