John 3:16 : "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

08 May, 2024

When you hear the statement that Jesus loves you, what comes to your mind? Although it is true that Jesus loves us and wants the best for us, that is not all. The fact that Jesus loves us is not only a statement of fact, it is a call-to-action. Our opening verse says that God loves the world and he gave, so that we can believe! Whenever you hear the statement Jesus loves you, it is a beckoning to surrender to Jesus. The love of Jesus is not one that we can do without. So, when the Gospel is preached to you, God is expecting you to respond in obedient faith. If you believe that Jesus loves you, then you will follow him. You will choose to trust his way, even when it doesn’t look like much, because you know that He loves you. Dear friend, Jesus loves you. How are you responding to that? Say after me: I choose to follow Jesus because I know he loves me.