Matthew 5:6 : "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

07 May, 2024

After reading our opening verse, you may be tempted to say that you are not hungry for God. Are you sure? The truth is that hunger is perceived. A lot of times we are so distracted by the things of this world that we do not realize how badly in need of God and his presence we are. Sometimes, like the Gentiles in Matthew 6, we are busy pursuing temporary things. The truth is that you can no longer continue ignoring times of fellowship with God. It may look like nothing now, but you are starving yourself of the love and power of God. It’s time to go back to fellowship; to Bible study and prayer. It may feel dry and unnatural at first. However, as you continue, your desire or appetite for God and the things of God will gradually open up.

You can start with going to church this week. Say after me: I will give myself to the things of God today, in Jesus’ name!