Genesis 16:13 : And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God sees me...

19 Apr, 2024

Our opening verse was culled out of the story of Hagar after she was sent away with Ishmael, her son. She and the boy were stranded in the desert because they had no water. She went a little further from him, so she wouldn’t watch him die. However, while he cried, the Angel of God supernaturally showed her a well of water.

When Hagar saw it, she declared, “El-Roi”, which means GOD SEES ME. How would you live your life, if you were conscious of the fact that God sees you and everything you do? First of all, this will make you conscious of the kind of life you lead. Man may not see, but God sees. Also, this means that you are NOT forgotten. Men may write you off and forget, but God sees you. Say after me: I am not forgotten. God sees me and knows me.