Psalm 68:19: Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.

16 May, 2024

The book of Psalms is replete with descriptions of God as the Savior. For the Israelites, this was their reality as they had both heard and seen the wondrous works of God in saving them from their enemies. However, God is not only a savior to the Israelites.

He is the savior of the world! Not only is God a savior to all, but in truth, he is the only one who can save. The Apostle Peter said in Acts 4:12, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” In the package of salvation from sin and death, is also the promise of God to keep us in this world. In other words, God continues to save our souls from the evil in the world. If we can trust the Lord for salvation from eternal damnation, then we can trust him to keep us in this world. This is an encouragement to turn your eyes to Jesus Christ today. He alone can save!