Proverbs 4:18: But the path of the just is as the shining light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

29 May, 2024

It is true that this world is full of highs and lows, and many times, we experience things that seem like setbacks. However, our opening verse tells us that the reality of a just person is continuous progress. This reality is independent of whatever appears to be happening around the child of God. Therefore, we must walk by faith and not by sight. By walking in faith, we discern the true nature of any situation. So, even when faced with an unpleasant situation, because we walk by faith, our response is guided by the spirit. This may involve prayer, declaring the word of God, speaking to ourselves, and so on. Whatever the leading of the Spirit is, we are positioned to respond accordingly because we are not swayed by what we see. Thus, concerning progress in our lives, it is from glory to glory, whether it seems like it or not. Say after me: “I walk in continuous progress every day of my life! Glory!”