Romans 12:2 : ...but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

27 May, 2024

In many ways, the devil tries to orchestrate situations to make you believe more in what you see or feel than in what God says. He will bring many experiences to you to give evidence to the lies he wants to continue in your life. Sometimes, not conforming to the world may look like not allowing an identity that doesn’t belong to Christ to find its way into your heart. This is important because it is the renewing of the mind that allows you to experience the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. If you do not allow the word of God to change the way you see things, you are most likely falling in line with this world. Trust the word of God more than you trust anything else and let it be your litmus test for what is true; the foundation for what you believe. This makes it obvious that the word of God must not be missing in your life, right? Say after me: the word of God is my anchor. I pay attention to the word today!