Genesis 26:22: And he removed from thence, and dug another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth;

01 Jun, 2024

In Genesis 26, Isaac had become so prosperous that the Philistines grew envious and damaged his father’s wells by filling them with sand. This act was a deliberate effort to stop the flow of the water that he and his servants needed to take care of their plants and livestock. Similarly, when the devil notices our spiritual progress, he finds a way to put a stop to the flow of the spirit in our lives. He does this to keep us and those around us from being refreshed by the living water inside us. However, despite the wells being closed by enemies, Isaac never stopped digging new ones!

For every well that was closed or seized, he dug another one until he found rest. The truth is, no matter what the devil does, you are already victorious. Although you may face resistance trying to build yourself spiritually, don’t give up. You will reap your harvest if you do not faint. Repeat after me: I will not stop digging!