Luke 7:23 : And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

24 Apr, 2024

Yesterday, we began learning about dealing with envious jealousy.

How do you handle a situation where someone close to you seems to be doing better than you? There’s a natural tendency to resent a person who is doing better. Don’t fall for that. It’s a trap! Cain was the first person to face this. He was so jealous of his brother, Abel, that he killed him. Guess what? Killing Abel did not make Cain better. It only worsened his situation. We face this everywhere. One powerful way to deal with jealousy is by praying for the one who seems to be doing better than you. Genuinely pray for them to make more progress. This may be very difficult for you. But when you do, you will kill that fleshly appetite that longs for the downfall of others for you to rise. Also, it enlarges your heart to contain the success of others without feeling threatened. You are blessed!