2 Chronicles 7:1: Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices...

23 May, 2024

Our opening verse is one of many scriptures that connects the practice of fellowship with God with the experience of fire. In the Old Testament, you would see God respond with fire whenever prayer or sacrifice was made. For us, fellowship with God is characterized by prayer, Bible reading, and worship. There is the work God has accomplished in us, and there is the work we must do because of what God has done. The truth is that, by virtue of the Holy Spirit in us, we have access to all the fire we need. We see in Acts 2:3 that the disciples gathered to pray daily, and the Holy Spirit came with fire. We all want to be on fire for God, however, many of us stop at desiring. It’s time to push past feelings of difficulty and hopelessness concerning spiritual discipline. There’s a joy set before you. It’s time for more! Say after me: I will put things in order in my life so I can give myself to God.