1 Corinthians 1:30 : But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

08 Jun, 2024

In 2 Chronicles 9, verse 4, the Bible accounts that the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon to verify whether what she had heard about him was true. The King was widely known for his wisdom, so much that the Bible records that all the earth sought his wisdom. In that chapter, the Bible says that when she saw the appearance of his servants and how he operated, she was overwhelmed. You can imagine the excellence and glory that could have been displayed there. However, Jesus, in Luke 11:31, said that although the Queen of Sheba came from the ends of the earth to hear the King, a greater than Solomon is here. Jesus spoke of himself! Not only is He greater than Solomon, but this same Jesus Christ has been made wisdom for us! We don’t need to travel to the ends of the earth in search of wisdom; we have been given access to wisdom in Christ by the Spirit. Glory! Say after me: my life will display the manifold wisdom of God!