John 9:4 : I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

15 Apr, 2024

You may have heard this quote: The secret of great men is in their daily routine! This is so true. What you do repeatedly is a pointer to where you are going and what you are building. Don’t even try to be great or successful, just craft an intentional routine in a particular area of value that prepares you for relevance in that area. You can’t do that for long and not see a major change. Our opening verse tells us the kind of man Jesus was on the earth. He had a working routine.

Check your routine, where is it taking you? What do you spend most of your time doing? It’s the picture of the future. Some of us need to make drastic changes and break out of a self-defeating pattern that leads to mediocrity. Say after me: By the wisdom of God, I break out of routines that wreck my life in Jesus’ name, amen.