Luke 1:80 : And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.

04 Jul, 2024

What comes to your mind when you read our opening verse?
The first thing I notice is that there will always be a time of showing for everyone who prepares. Our opening verse actually speaks about John the Baptist and how God prepared him for the task of revealing the messiah. John had to grow strong in spirit, and God kept him in the desert until he was ready to be revealed to Israel. The Lord once whispered something to my heart: Some people are praying for things that they are not preparing for. Have you ever wondered why Jesus’ mother, Mary, was so bold in telling the people at the wedding in Cana,
“Whatever he tells you to do, do it”? Why was she so sure that Jesus would perform a miracle? She must have seen him do miracles privately before. Now that you haven’t “blown up” are you preparing? Don’t waste your days of obscurity. Prepare!