24 Jun, 2024
Sometimes, on your journey in life, it seems like the things you are doing are not yielding the results you desire. It may be in your spiritual life, where it seems like you are doing everything you know to do but you can’t see any tangible progress. The truth is that spiritual growth differs from physical gratification. For instance, when you are thirsty and you drink water, relief is immediate. However, spiritual growth does not offer instant gratification; it requires time and consistency. Building a spiritual life you can benefit from is akin to sowing seeds. Yet, when the time is right, you will undoubtedly reap the fruits of your efforts.
Therefore, do not be discouraged or give up. As our opening verse advises, persevere in well doing and sowing to the spirit, for in due season, you will reap the rewards. Repeat after me: “I have blessed assurance; my seeking of God is not in vain.