Matthew 7:25 : And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

02 May, 2024

There’s a big difference between, “looking good” and “being good”. Have you ever had this experience where you perceived the aroma of a certain food and you wanted to eat it? Only for you to taste the food and you were disappointed.

Such is the story of those who focus on looking good much more than the depth of who, and what, they really are. The icing on a cake may attract people to the cake, but the icing alone isn’t enough. The substance within is the most important! I have a word from the lord for you this morning – Be solid. Have substance, not just appearance. This does not mean that you should neglect your appearance. So, work on your appearance, but not at the expense of your depth! Just like the house that the winds could not destroy because it was founded on the rock, so shall you be in Jesus’ name, amen!