22 Jun, 2024
Our opening verse is part of Paul’s letter to Timothy. In this verse, Paul exhorted Timothy to be an example of a believer. To be an example of something means that there is a specific way that thing should be. There is a way a believer ought to be-in word, conversation, manner of living, in charity, in spirit, in faith, and in purity-and the Word of God declares it. Timothy had been given a charge to make his calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). He had been tasked with representing Christ in all that he does. This is a noble labour because Jesus has called us the light of the world (Matt 5:14). Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 2:9 said that we have been chosen to show forth God’s praises. Therefore, let us display God. Let us be examples of who a believer ought to be. Say after me: “Lord, please help me give myself wholly to you that I ma represent you fully. Amen.”